If you’ve ever picked up a copy of Popular Woodworking and didn’t see an article by Glen then you probably have a literacy problem….
In this business he is an icon and probably one of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Add this to the fact he is a consummate professional, outstanding furniture builder, and mentor for many of us and you now have validity to the reason I used the term “icon”.
The pics you see below are of the same piece built with some of the first Greener Lumber material ever available. A Queen Anne Lowboy dresser with the pic on the left as displayed on the cover of the June 2010 edition of Popular Woodworking and on the right as displayed in our booth at the 2010 WIA. Glen’s masterful work on this piece and subsequent showing on the cover of the June 2010 issue is what set our phone at Greener Lumber to ringing like a fire alarm. Thanx Glen….you’re the best.