The father and son team of Chris and Jeremy Jenkins building amazing instruments in the great state of Texas.
Chris spent 40 yrs as a veterinarian in a solo practice southwest of Dallas specializing in equine and other large animal care but included small animal care also to help pay the bills. If you’re not familiar with equine veterinary care, (horses), it can be a very dangerous vocation. I sometimes wonder if after 40 years of being kicked around by his patients Chris might have begun looking into the idea of another profession. Son Jeremy, who is the musical talent in the family, came to Chris at the age of 14 with a Korean made bass guitar he was playing in a garage band. It needed some neck repairs but instead of fixing it Chris convinced him they could build a new one. This build was constructed using only the tools they had available at the time which was a Craftsman router and sabre saw. That was the first seed planted in a barren land that was destined to become a forest of the distinctive and beautifully ornamented instruments that you see today which sound just as wonderful as they look. Unlike most guitars, ornamented is a term that can also be used for the inside of a Lame Horse instrument that sports all the panache of an upper west side apartment. The inside also contains a “tenant” consisting of a lone Pueblo Zuni Tribe Luck Fetish. Chris claims it doesn’t hurt to have a little good luck in your guitar. Another commonly seen item in many of his builds is a wooden medallion with a silhouette of the great state of Texas carved into it. “You can always tell a Texan” Chris says……”You just can’t tell him much.”.
If you wanna really get to know Chris and understand what makes him not only a great Luthier but also a great human being listen to a 2017 podcast of an interview he did with Micheal Bashkin on “Luthier on Luthier”. After listening to this you’ll soon realize why I consider Chris to be one of my favorite clients and a wonderful friend.
Episode 10 of Micheal Bashkin’s interview with Chris Jenkins.
Jeremy works the 2nd Lame Horse shop in Austin. He does he neck and bracing work while Dad does the boxing and binding work on the guitars. The Austin shop also builds the famous Lame Horse Gitjos. Jeremy is the musician in the family and so living in Austin was almost a moral imperative by Musical standards in Texas. Since being a musician is most commonly a passion first and a profitable vocation last he found through his Father that building guitars seemed a good second avenue in music and would help supplement his income. His Father called one day and said he was looking for an apprentice and wanted to offer him the first chance at the position. He’s been in “the biz” of building instruments with Dad now for 13 years and when you see a Lame Horse Guitar or are lucky enough to play one you will see that the partnership is a great one. Jeremy also did a great interview with Mike Bashkin on “Luthier on Luthier” and you’ll gain some wonderful insight to how he sees this side of the music industry and his appreciation for it.
Episode 11 of Micheal Bashkin’s interview with Jeremy Jenkins.
Cick on each picture below to see an “up close and personal” version of them
Sweet Marie
Lame Horse’s first Sinker Mahogany instruement. Built in 2014 and exhibited that May at the renowned Acoustic Guitar Meeting in Sarzana, Italy.
Lame Horse’s second Sinker Mahogany instrument. Build in 2015 from nice classic ribbony material and fitted with a beautifully laminated neck.
Lame Horse’s third Sinker Mahogany instrument. Chris says this is the prettiest Mahogany guitar they ever built….. I think you’ll agree.